About The Project

Our Core Elements

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: “The first step of the #MyDigiCoop project has been to analyze the profile of cooperative social entrepreneurship in university studies”

Ane Zubizarreta: “Personalized learning through technology makes it possible for all students to receive instructions at the same time, tailored to their individual needs.”


Without doubts, advanced technology and digitalization have revolutionized our world and our day-to-day lives. There is a long list of advantages people can benefit from modern technology and digital innovation.
However, it leaves us concern as not every individual has the ability to optimize the opportunities. Without having the necessary skills and competencies, one might not be able to keep up easily with digital transformation, especially after the global pandemic hit.
Therefore, in this sense, we believe that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are not only knowledge creators and providers. HEIs also play a significant role as supporters that provide their students, teachers, and their staff with up-to-date practical skills and competencies needed not only to survive but also thrive in today’s days and age. 


MyDigiCoop is an Erasmus+ project that focuses its main objective on innovative practices in a digital era. It is a strategic partnership project managed and developed by 3 HEIs and 3 SMEs from 4 different European countries.
Among others, we believe that social-cooperative entrepreneurship skills and mindset are the keys to the 21st century as they have the capacity to increase employment and enhance social equality.
With this idea in mind, MyDigiCoop sets an overarching goal to promote social-cooperative entrepreneurship in HE by equipping HE professionals with innovative online tools and competencies to foster social-cooperative entrepreneurship among their students. 


To reach this overarching aim, the project pursues 5 specific objectives:
Partners will work together to bring in two Intellectual Outputs(IOs):
IO1. Open iterative platform to equip education professionals in empowering social-cooperative entrepreneurs; and
IO2. Fostering social-cooperative entrepreneurship in HE: Guidelines
Following the two IOs, a multiplier event and short-term staff training will be organized to conclude the project.